17 Best Supermarket and Kitchen Weight Loss Tips Ever!

  1. Make a list and stick to it!
  2. Don’t shop for food on an empty stomach. The hungrier you are, the more likely you are to buy items you didn’t intend on buying.
  3. Coupons might save you money but they can also cost you a lot of calories. Don’t buy things you would ordinarily not purchase just because you can save money with a coupon.
  4. Do your food shopping by yourself to reduce the chance of being influenced to do some (or a lot of) impulse buying.

    Is that cart full of candy really for the kids or for you?

    Is that cart full of candy really for the kids or for you?

  5. Will your kids really miss that chocolate-coated sugar-bomb you say you buy “for the kids?” Stop “buying stuff for the kids!” that really isn’t for the kids at all.
  6. Canned vegetables are good for you. They’re inexpensive and a good way to bulk up meals with nutrients for few calories. Add them to soups, stews and casseroles. Stock up when they go on sale.
  7. Impulse purchases and “manager’s specials” may add calories to your shopping cart but no real eating satisfaction. Stop to consider what you’re putting in your cart, why you’re putting it into your cart, and do you really want to put it into your body!

    Stopping at the supermarket after a long and stressful day at work may be convenient but it also could be a time when you're most vulnerable to poor purchase choices.

    Stopping at the supermarket after a long and stressful day at work may be convenient but it also could be a time when you’re most vulnerable to poor purchase choices.

  8. Frozen vegetables are good for you, too. Frozen vegetables on hand make it quick and easy to fix a good-for-you and satisfying meal. Stock up when they go on sale.
  9. Just because it says “low-fat” or “no-fat” on the label don’t assume it’s a reduced calorie food. Read labels!

    Think of this aisle as the "snack aisle" even though your supermarket signs suggests it is not.

    Think of this aisle as the “snack aisle” even though your supermarket signs suggests the snack aisle is three aisles over!

  10. Buying fruits and vegetables in bulk can be costly even though the price per pound seems lower because of rotten produce inside the bag that you can’t see from the outside.
  11. Save money by buying snack foods such as chips and the like in bulk and making your own single serving packages.
    It's not a crime to choose chips for your snack instead of vegetables, but this serving may be a little to large to slip into your food plan. Consider eating some vegetables first and topping them off with a much smaller serving of chips.

    It’s not a crime to choose chips for your snack instead of vegetables, but this serving may be a little to large to slip into your food plan. Consider eating some vegetables first and topping them off with a much smaller serving of chips.

    If you do buy in bulk, make a rule for yourself to never eat out of the bag, but rather always measure a single serving and place it in a bowl. THEN PUT AWAY THE BAG!

  12. Buy less meat. Think of meat as a garnish or a side dish instead of the main ingredient in a meal. Meat adds flavor but it is also a major source of calories in a meal. Choose lean meats and remove skin from poultry before cooking.
  13. When shopping try picking up some fruits and vegetables you never tried before. If the store has recipes for the exotic produce, why not give them a try?
  14. Take advantage of sales on pantry staples such as whole grain pasta, brown rice, whole grains and dried beans. These are your go-to ingredients for fill-you-up meals that are lower in calories and rich in nutrients.
  15. Arrange your kitchen so that it’s easy to snack on the lower fat /lower calorie foods. Stash the cookies in chips where they’re harder to reach and you won’t see them.

    The fruit is in plain sight and within easy reach.

    The fruit is in plain sight and within easy reach.

  16. Planning your meals before you go to the supermarket can save you time and money, as well as ensuring you have what you need on hand for the upcoming week.
  17. No such thing as good or bad food. Your moral character cannot be determined by what’s in your cart. Don’t worry about how others will judge your selections. You are in charge of buying your food and eating it in the way that best suits your weight loss efforts as well as your tastes.
Jackie Conn

About Jackie Conn

Jackie Conn is married and has four grown daughters and four grandchildren. She is a Weight Watchers success story. She's a weight loss expert with 25 years of experience guiding women and men to their weight-related goals. Her articles on weight management have been published in health, family and women's magazines. She has been a regular guest on Channel 5 WABI news, FOX network morning program Good Day Maine and 207 on WCSH.