Monthly Archives: August 2015
Guest Post! Exercising at work
It’s been suggested to me that featuring a guest writer in my blog from time to time is a good way to keep readers interested and attract new readers. I found a guest writer and her blog, while it reflects my values, is written in a style that most certainly is not mine and therefore, […]
Bet you believed these 8 weight loss myths!
Weight Loss Diets *Results not typical. Your results may vary* What!! What??
Results not typical. Your results may vary. I’m a believer in Weight Watchers. It worked for me in 1990/91 and it’s still working for me. In fact, it worked/works so well for me that I am working for it! I think it’s the best commercial weight loss program available today. As a longtime veteran of […]
Mature woman, hear me loud, DON’T WEIGHT!
An unspeakable horror happened recently in broad daylight in a place that most people would say it’s a place as safe as any place in the world. What happened in that supermarket in Saco, Maine to a beautiful woman will likely change how all women, especially us “mature women” feel about safety in public. I’m […]
4 signs you’re letting your weight wreck your life!
Eat this one food everyday to lose more weight than you believed possible!
Losing weight is hard. You might have personal experience that told you just how hard it is to lose weight. Perhaps, you haven’t tried, but you have close friends and relatives who have. Their dismal success convinced you there was no point even trying. Weight loss might be on your list of things to do […]
How toddlers can inspire you to lose weight or just live a healthier life!
Got a special, little somebody in your life? Having a toddler, or several, in your life can change how you see things. I’m not talking about “taking care of yourself” so that you are stillĀ around to see the toddler grow up and have toddlers of his/her own. I’m talking about removing all the filters in […]
Should cupcakes be allowed in school?
As a kid I loved the moms who brought cupcakes to school to celebrate her child’s birthday with the class. You know, those delightful, beautiful little cakes full of highly processed flour and sugar and topped with artificial colors, more highly processed sugar and some saturated fat that many call “unhealthy.” Oh boy. I’ll take […]
Best of Sooner or Later: Body Types! What’s yours?
I spent a good deal of my adult life riding, showing and breeding Morgan horses. The interesting thing about Morgan horses today is the controversy over two distinct different body types. Some owners and breeders prefer what is called an “old type Morgan.” These are the shorter, stockier horses that are not appreciated in the […]