All posts by Jackie Conn

Jackie Conn

About Jackie Conn

Jackie Conn is married and has four grown daughters and four grandchildren. She is a Weight Watchers success story. She's a weight loss expert with 25 years of experience guiding women and men to their weight-related goals. Her articles on weight management have been published in health, family and women's magazines. She has been a regular guest on Channel 5 WABI news, FOX network morning program Good Day Maine and 207 on WCSH.

You can do more for your overweight teen by closing your mouth than trying to control what they put into theirs

It’s heartbreaking to have an overweight teen. It doesn’t matter if it’s a girl or boy, you know that weight is a major reason why your child is unhappy. Let’s not pretend that an overweight teen doesn’t make the parents unhappy too. As a parent you’re concerned about how your teen’s weight affects friendships and […]

New study changes everything we know about weight loss

How many times have you been watching the news on TV or scrolling through your Facebook feed and heard or read the words, “new study changes everything we know about weight loss!”? If you’re even the littlest bit interested in weight loss you have, no doubt, paid attention to those words. There is something you […]

Elimination diets are no way to lose weight

What’s an elimination diet? An elimination diet is cutting out certain foods to determine allergies or sensitivities. It’s a proven to work, but it’s no way to lose weight. Two examples of elimination diets said to be effective ways to lose weight are Paleo and Vegan. Both diets demand you give up certain foods and […]

Calories on menus is a waste of your money

Part of the Affordable Care Act, affectionately known as Obamacare, and currently in the crosshairs of the sitting president (who he, himself, is politically in the crosshairs of his opposing and his own political parties) is labeling menus with calories. It was supposed to go into effect years ago, but has been delayed. It’s not […]

What are the most fattening summer foods

“If summer is such a great time to lose weight, why did I gain 10 pounds?” I get this question all the time and often the person asking it has an answer. “It’s because all my favorite summer foods are so fattening.” Then I say my standard line about fattening foods. “Food isn’t fattening. We […]

Do this every day to get to your weight goal

There are a lot of things you can do to lose weight. Essentially they come down to creating a calorie deficit.  If you increase your physical activity you burn more calories. Increasing physical activity is a common weight loss strategy. Research shows, however, that few people are able to successfully get to their weight goal […]