Tag Archives: body fat

What to do when the scale drives you crazy

Scale paranoia isn’t rare. Lots of sane, sensible, confident people fall apart at the idea of stepping on the scale. That metal contraption on the bathroom floor is just waiting to wreck their day, maybe their week, perhaps their life! I can’t argue that it’s not discouraging to cut back on how much you eat […]

Why you need to stop obsessing over your body fat

Lady Gaga got both rave reviews and nasty comments for her Super Bowl 2017 performance. The nasty comments were from trolls calling her “fat” and body shaming her because the soon to be 31-year-old entertainer doesn’t have a hard, plastic body like a Barbie doll. According to some fat phobics the human body should be […]

Who is ready to quit your resolution to lose weight

When the calendar flipped from 2016 to 217 there were a lot of people who were eager to start losing weight.   The gyms filled up. The Weight Watchers meetings were jumping with new members. Jenny Craig’s phone lines were tied up with callers. USPS, UPS and FedEx trucks were crammed with exercise machines, videos, and magic […]

5 things you should know about your body fat

Here are 5 things you should know about your fat. They are actual and fatual … er… factual! 1. The fat on your body is good and it needs to be there. Body fat isn’t put on your body to make you ugly, disgust people who think that body fat is unsightly, or in any […]

Best of Sooner or Lighter: Fantastic, Fabulous, Flirty Fat

Fat isn’t all bad. Some fat on the body is fantastic, fabulous and flirty as is some fat in the diet. Read all about the wonders of fat. I am republishing this blog hopes that readers will gain an appreciation of fat. It could help you achieve your personally acceptable balance of fat to lean. There are […]