Tag Archives: fitness
Did you know those painful workouts are sabotaging your weight loss
The harder you work out the better your weight loss progress will be. (true) (false) If you’re healthy enough to work out, a really hard work out can only make you healthier. (true) (false) The correct answer to these questions may surprise you. It’s false. Working out hard puts your body under a lot of stress. […]
You can do more for your overweight teen by closing your mouth than trying to control what they put into theirs
It’s heartbreaking to have an overweight teen. It doesn’t matter if it’s a girl or boy, you know that weight is a major reason why your child is unhappy. Let’s not pretend that an overweight teen doesn’t make the parents unhappy too. As a parent you’re concerned about how your teen’s weight affects friendships and […]
5 old school hacks that really work for weight loss
In this modern world with high tech devices and cutting edge technology and research, sometimes going “old school” can yield surprising results. Here are 5 old school tips that really work. 1. Plan your meals and snacks for the day. I know this sounds boring and time-consuming all at the same time. Instead of thinking […]
Calories on menus is a waste of your money
Part of the Affordable Care Act, affectionately known as Obamacare, and currently in the crosshairs of the sitting president (who he, himself, is politically in the crosshairs of his opposing and his own political parties) is labeling menus with calories. It was supposed to go into effect years ago, but has been delayed. It’s not […]
What are the most fattening summer foods
“If summer is such a great time to lose weight, why did I gain 10 pounds?” I get this question all the time and often the person asking it has an answer. “It’s because all my favorite summer foods are so fattening.” Then I say my standard line about fattening foods. “Food isn’t fattening. We […]
Hating exercise could kill you
Do you hate to exercise? Okay, if you do, you may already know that avoiding exercise might cause you to die prematurely. Now would you like some more bad news? You might die too soon just because you hate to exercise. No, I’m not repeating myself. Read that paragraph again. Avoiding exercise may lead to […]
Chico is 8 today
Don’t do this to anybody who wants to lose weight
The other day a member shared her weight loss challenge with the group. She said that there are people, 2 in particular, in her life that are making her mad. We understood her frustration. She described scenarios that are too familiar. There was almost nobody in the meeting who didn’t have a similar frustration. Losing weight […]
Memory malfunctions and failed weight loss
Weight loss success depends on a lot of things. The main thing, however, is that there is a consistent calorie deficit. To lose weight it’s necessary for fewer calories to be eaten than burned. That is the simplest thing about weight loss, but not much else is so simple. Complications include the source of the […]