Tag Archives: food

5 Resolutions to make in 2017 and none is “go on a diet”

Weight loss or diet resolutions are arguably made more often than any other New Year’s resolution. It’s a perfect time to both remove any excess weight gained during the holiday season as well as any extra pounds gained throughout the rest of the year and previous years.   Diets are the number one resolution made and […]

The Future of Food

Michael Pollan, Jamie Oliver, and Kelly Brownell have spoken and scores of their acolytes have listened. While their message seems to be beyond reproach, don’t mistake their agenda. They want to change how we eat, to make us healthier they say, but maybe it’s not about our health but rather their wealth. Agitating the public […]

Trying to be the Animal I Was Born to Be!

Research conducted with 18-month-old to 5-year-old children showed that young kids can balance calories to energy needs. Scientists came to the conclusion by monitoring the food consumed by children at a university lab/daycare facility. The children were put into two groups. One group was offered a snack of whole yogurt. The other group was served […]

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for weight loss

Breakfast is both a much maligned meal and a most celebrated meal. Those who malign wail, “I hate breakfast! I hate eating in the morning.” Those who celebrate breakfast enthuse, “it’s the most important meal of the day! It boosts your metabolism, turns on your powers of thinking and concentration, helps you to maintain a […]