Tag Archives: healthy habits

Do I really need to lose weight

While a lot of people are resolving to lose weight in 2017, others are asking, “do I really need to lose weight?” I think that is one of those questions that’s best answered by asking  more questions. Has it been hinted or suggested by friends, family, or rude strangers that your weight is a problem? […]

Yesterday I ate too much and I’m paying the price

Yesterday was a nothing-special day. It wasn’t a holiday; I wasn’t invited to a party. It was a plain, old day and I don’t have a good reason for eating as much as I did. Worse than eating too much without a good reason, I ate too much stuff that didn’t even taste all that […]

Don’t Become a Fat Victim of Your Environment

There is food everywhere you go, and everywhere you look. There are signs and video and audio messages describing delicious food, telling you where to go to get it, promising it’s worth the trip and a good way to spend your money. You are hard-wired to want food when you think about food. You think […]

Stop Envying Skinny People! They’re Not as Lucky as You Think!

Skinny people are so lucky! They look good and they’re healthy and they don’t even have to worry about either one of those things! So not true! Skinny isn’t always pretty! Think “models on the cover of Vogue!” Health cannot be determined by a visual determination of how fat or skinny somebody might be. The […]

Take the Quiz: Are You Too Fat?

It’s hard to know what’s too fat and what’s okay. We get so many mixed messages from the media.  It’s not just a simple numbers formula as some health experts would have you think. It’s not a matter of whether or not you have a hot beach body either. Everybody seems to have an opinion, but […]

So Far Menu Labeling Has Not Resulted in Slimmer Dining Out Habits!

I am not going to reverse my stand on Section 4205 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (you may recognize it as Obamacare). I am also grateful that Senator Angus King is far-sighted enough to see the potential pitfalls of the bill and to speak up in the interest and on the behalf of his […]

You can overcome emotional eating

If I am frustrated, angry, bored, or happy, I am also hungry. It’s been this way for my whole life. I’ve learned how to eat in response to emotions without overeating. I’ve also learned how to work through some emotions. I feel them, they are less overwhelming than I thought they would be and eventually […]

Unhealthy Weight or Unhealthy Habits?

I’m not a doctor. I’m not a scientist. I haven’t spent my life studying or researching this. No doctor, no research scientist, just a wife/mother/grandmother and I suspect I’m smart enough (I like to think that anyway) to have been one of the aforementioned occupations if I were interested enough to follow through. The point […]